Uyirvani Ayurveda Hospital




Sciatica is nerve pain from an injury or irritation to your sciatic nerve. In addition to pain, it can involve tingling or numbness in your back or butt that may also radiate down your leg. More severe symptoms are also possible.

Line of Treatment

  • Nidanaparivarjana (Avoiding the causative factor) should be the first line of treatment.
  • Sodhana chikista – Virechana, Basti (anuvasana and astapana), Siravedha
  • Samana chikista – Pachana, Snehana, Swedana including various types of pindasweda (elakizhi, naranga kizhi)
  • External applications- Abhyanga ,lepa, Katibasti, Katipichu
  • Pathya– Apathya


Ahara- Advice light vatanuloma diet like muringa leaves briajal,porridge, mamsarasa.

Vihara – correct postures while sitting- or lifting the weight, regular suitable yogasana and hot water bath. Comfortable seats and bed should be used. Bowel and bladder urges should be attended timely.


Ahara- Vata aggravating diet like pulses, peas, wafers,biscuits, cold food and cold drinks, stale food ,excessive use of chilly

Vihara- Exposure to cold, heavy physical work ,spongy mattresses and easy chairs


  • Kati vasti
  • Kati pichu
  • Matra vasti
  • Kasaya vasti
  • Nadee swedam
  • Abhyangam
  • Kizhi (PPS,CPS,SSPS)
  • Virechanam
  • Lepanam

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