Uyirvani Ayurveda Hospital




Migraine is very common neurological disorder, now a day’s most of us had suffered from this migraine attack at least one in our life time. This pain can interfere our day to day activities. In this, patients may feel severe pain or pulsing sensation usually on one side of the head. But the intensity of pain may vary in each individual. This pain may last to 2-4 days usually but in some patients up to several days.

Symptoms will be associated with nausea, vomiting, vision changes, dizziness sensitivity to light & sound and sometimes smell also, redness and burning sensation in the eyes. Before the migraine attack some people can feel a “migraine aura “this is the eversible symptoms of nervous system. It includes visual disturbance like light spot or blind spot and difficulty in speaking also.

This effects people of all age groups, those who are having a family history of migraine. In gender women are 3 times more like to suffer from this than man . This is very common in people who are dealing a life with full of stress & emotions and one who follows unhealthy life style also. Any imbalances in neuro transmitters, hormonal changes in women talking oral contraceptives, consuming alcohol, wine, coffee & some time exposure to bright lights or sunlight, strong smell also considered as the reason for the migraine attacks.

In Allopathic the treatment is mainly focussed on pain but in Ayurveda we considered this as “Sooryavarta”.Our treatment  concept is based on tridosa principle(vata,pitta and kapha).Any disturbance of these 3 doshas leads to disease. So Ayurveda treatment is not only benefits in bringing down pain or severity in headaches it also helps a long term prevention from the disease.

In this conditions vitiated 3 doshas or toxic materials that are deposited in our sense organs, due to that patients feels sensitivity to light, sound and odours. So panchakarma helps to detoxify our body and nervous system.

And treatments like Nasya, Shiro abhyangam Shirovasthi, Shirodhara_with internal medications is recommended. And we try to detect what are the exact cause of migraine,then we will plan a unique treatment.

Diet & daily regimen to the patients to improve their digestion,emotional well being.

Ayurvedic treatments are not control the single disease rather than helps all over health of each individual & increase the quality of their life.

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