Migraine is a prevalent neurological disorder, with many experiencing an attack at least once in their lifetime. The pain can significantly disrupt daily activities, often manifesting as severe pain or a pulsing sensation, typically on one side of the head. However, the intensity of the pain varies among individuals. Migraine episodes typically last 2-4 days, but in some cases, they can persist for several days.
Migraine symptoms often include nausea, vomiting, changes in vision, dizziness, and sensitivity to light, sound, and sometimes smell, along with redness and a burning sensation in the eyes. Before a migraine attack, some individuals may experience a “migraine aura,” which are reversible symptoms of the nervous system, including visual disturbances such as light spots or blind spots and difficulty speaking.
Migraine affects people of all age groups, especially those with a family history of the condition. Women are three times more likely to suffer from migraines than men. This condition is very common among people living with high levels of stress and emotions and those who follow an unhealthy lifestyle. Imbalances in neurotransmitters, hormonal changes in women taking oral contraceptives, consumption of alcohol, wine, coffee, exposure to bright lights or sunlight, and strong smells are also considered triggers for migraine attacks.
In modern medicine, treatment primarily focuses on relieving pain. However, in Ayurveda, migraine is considered “Sooryavarta.” The treatment concept is based on the tridosha principle (vata, pitta, and kapha). Any disturbance in these three doshas can lead to disease. Thus, Ayurvedic treatment not only aims to reduce pain and the severity of headaches but also helps in prevention of the condition.
According to Ayurveda, the condition arises from vitiated doshas accumulated in our sense organs, leading to sensitivity to light, sound, and odors. Panchakarma is recommended to detoxify the body and nervous system.
- Nasya
- Shiroabhyanga
- Shirovasthi
- Shirodhara
- Internal medications
These are tailored to the individual’s specific causes of migraine. The treatment plan includes dietary and daily regimen advice to improve digestion and emotional well-being.

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